Sunday, June 3, 2007

June 2

Master Gardener

I've decided to keep track of how much time I spend in my own garden to see what time investment I make over the summer. With yesterday's work, I've put in 8 hours -- at the garden -- this year. My plot isn't one of the pretty ones but I'm okay with that. My goal is to get the maximum harvest for the least amount of work. When I went to finish my planting last Saturday I found some interesting phenomena. The two expert gardeners I photoed were struggling with the early season weed build up.

Both were a bit embarrassed about their plots being behind the curve, so I explained my theory and added one other element: After a particularly busy July, I had the distinction receiving a warning to clean up my plot. That embarassed me more than I'd like to admit. Anyway, I don't take picture of their plots so you won't find weeds in this posting.

The strawberries are coming in pretty hard now. And people have been picking lettuce for a while, but most of the crops are just getting started.

Myrna has plot number 1

- submitted by Mark

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